Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Kitten Needs a Home (Resolved)

Edit:  My sister and her boyfriend decided last night that they're going to make Rusty (yes, they named him) their 3rd cat.  He's just toooooo cute and so loveable!
My sister's neighbor found this cute kitten on their porch this morning.  The neighbor's husband is allergic, and my sister already has two cats, so we need to find a loving home for the kitten.  If anyone in the Greater Los Angeles and surrounding area would like to adopt this kitten, please leave me a private message.  Thanks!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Individual extended tax returns are due in a week, so the few that actually read this blog that resides in the U.S., if you haven't filed your tax return yet, please do so ASAP.

But that's not really the reason for me to be blogging today.  The reason is the new law that our lovely California governor Brown just signed a new law that gives ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS college financial aids.


Illegal = not legal.  They came into the country without proper paperworks, and they don't pay taxes, so why, I ask, WHY GIVE THEM OUR TAX DOLLARS?  It's bad enough that the unemployment rate is high in California, and that those employed pay into the system, AND the state is still almost broke.  Now he's going to give money to those that do not pay into the system?  They can't legally work, so even after they obtain the education, they cannot contribute to the U.S.  Then what? 

He can forget about being re-elected, if you ask me.  The people he's trying to please, by signing this law, cannot even vote.  And those that vote, democrat and republican alike, are more likely upset like me about this bullcrap.

Can we vote him out of the office?