Friday, June 18, 2010


I used to be more compassionate.  Yup, used to be, cuz I'm a lot meaner nowadays, especially towards people that decide not to use their brain.  It's not that I think of myself better than others, because I'm really not all that.  But some people just really irritate the hell out of me, especially during the hours of 8am - 5pm.

The other day the phone was very calm, to the point that I thought that it might be broken.  After checking it numerous times to confirm that it wasn't broken, I realized that it was just a quiet day.  Well, guess what?  Some idiot decided to call at 5:01pm.  Although I was still at my desk, it was officially after our office-hours, so I chose NOT to answer it.

What do ya know~ the caller was quite persistent!  Our phone rings 3-4 times then goes to voicemail, and we have 2 phone lines.  The phone continued to ring for the next five minutes.  Line 1 would ring 3-4 times, and as soon as it switched voicemail, the caller would hang up and call right back, so line 2 would ring.  By the time line 2 goes to voicemail, line 1 is free again, and the person would hang up & call back again.  This psycho idiot continued doing so for five friggin minutes!!

Honestly, if it was THAT important, why didn't he/she leave a voicemail?

And what if everyone REALLY left the office already?

Then there's this one guy that thinks he is oh so important.  Whenever he sends an e-mail, he expects immediate response.  Dude, what are you, the king of England?  Even if you were, I wouldn't give a flying f*ck.  He really knows less than he thinks he knows, yet he acts like he is Mr. Know-It-All.  AND he asks the stupidest questions!  Oh gosh that's another type of idiots that I cannot tolerate!

I can continue to rant about him all day, but I won't.

Lastly, I know that Lakers won the series, and it's a BIG F*CKING DEAL!  I know, cuz I support Lakers as well.  But that still doesn't call for a riot, period!  I really wasn't surprised to hear on the news this morning that there were people on the freeway shaking other people's cars that were stuck in traffic.  I definitely expected to hear that people were arrested for their stupidity.

The game was to start at 6pm, and by 4pm, I checked and saw that 405 and 10 freeways were totally backed up, with multiple accidents.  I would put $5 on the cause being people wanting to rush home or to a sports bar so they could watch the game on TV.  So I waited at work till it was half time, checked again, and voila~ no traffic. So I got in my car and drove home in 35 minutes.

Then I got busy, so actually forgot about the game, until Minh texted me and asked if I was listening to the game on the radio.  I told him no, and went online to check the final score.  Yay, Lakers won, yayyyyyy~~

But that also alarmed me.  Would there be riots?  (Of course!)  I hoped not to hear any gun shots, cuz idiots like to shoot up into the air, as if gravity wouldn't pull the bullet back down and land somewhere it shouldn't and hurt someone.  Then I started hearing cars driving by, blaring their horns on the major streets outside the neighborhood.  Was that completely necessary, given that it was past 10pm and most kids might be asleep already?  Inconsiderate idiots!!

I admit, I've done quite a lot of idiotic things in my life, but at least I admit it!  I call others idiots because I honestly don't think that they are aware of their actions.

End of rant.

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