Friday, September 17, 2010


The company I work for moved its location about two miles from the former location a few months ago.  I noticed the first night there, as I proceeded to unpack, that something was iffy.  I couldn't pinpoint the source of the iffiness at the time, so I stopped thinking about it.

Within a month, I had a vague feeling that this new location might have what we normally call "ghosts" lingering around.  We're subletting, so there are people from other firms within the suite.  They're all very easy going, so I casually brought up my suspicion to the receptionist, who immediately directed me to one of her co-workers for more discussion.  The co-worker shared a few past encounters with me, such as hearing whispers, sensing someone passing by when nobody was around, and things being moved while he was away from his desk.

The lady in the cubicle next to mine has a radio that she listens to during work hours.  She keeps the volume very low, and turns the radio off before leaving everyday.  One night I had a few things that needed to be completed urgently, so I stayed past the usual quitting time.  As I typed away on the computer, I heard about 2 seconds of statics coming from her radio, which was off.  At the time I didn't think much of it, and continued working.  About 15 minutes later, I heard her chair being moved.

Yes, it was moved.  You know that sound a chair moving on the plastic floor mat?  Yup, that's what I heard. 

I was too busy to stop, so as creepy as it felt, I continued working.  Naturally I shared the experience with the receptionist and her co-worker. 

A few weeks after that incident, on a usual day, I was working on my computer.  My cubicle faces two private offices, and I knew that both occupants were out of the office at the time.  Out of the blue, as I was looking at my monitors, I saw from the corner of my eyes, a shadow leaned out of the door of an office, then stood back straight.

I looked up, and saw nothing.  Then I asked the lady in the other cubicle if that guy was here, and she said no.  Finally I got up, walked over to that office, and looked inside.  Naturally, nobody was there.

So what did I see?  I don't really know.  What I know for sure, however, is that this office is haunted.

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