Friday, June 21, 2013

Ever since the term "Immigration Reform" popped up during the presidential election, I have been wanting to point out how unfair this "reform" would be for those of us that did everything by the book to become a legal resident, and eventually citizen of the United States.

Then this article came out, which made me feel a bit better, that I wasn't the only person feeling the same way.

Seriously, as I listen more about this reform mumbo jumbo, it upsets me more.  So many of us spent thousands of dollars to move to the U.S. through work visa, work-sponsored green card, investment, and more.  All of those cost money, such as paperwork fee, attorney fee, etc.  On the contrary, the illegal immigrants cross the border, work under the table for cash (contrary to Mr. Biden's claim that they pay into social security, which I will get to), pop some babies out, and start receiving welfare for the babies, since the babies born in the U.S. are automatically citizens.  Where do the welfare money come from?  The taxpayers like you and me that work hard to make a living daily.

So last night I heard on the radio that Mr. Biden was in Las Vegas, and said that the illegal immigrants pay into the social security as well.  Excuse me, Mr. Vice Pesident, I highly doubt that they do.  Let's break it down:  someone crosses the border into the U.S. illegally, and unless they know the right people, they have no way of getting a social security number.  Without a social security number, they cannot go on a company's payroll (unless it's a shady company), which means they are most likely paid in cash under the table, so no payroll taxes are withheld.  So how in the world do they pay into the system?  The only way that they really pay any taxes are sales taxes when they go to stores that charge and report sales taxes. 

I know that the government needs to do something about the illegal immigrants, who are also people, who have just as much human rights as legal immigrants and citizens.  However, is it fair to give them the same treatments as those of us that went through the immigration process legally?  I think not. 

I'm aware of how little traffic this blog receives, yet I feel the strong need to express how I feel about the immigration reform.  The government needs to hear OUR voices, too! 

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