Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weird Dream

I woke up SO upset around 3am, huffing and puffing, I tell ya.

Well, you'll understand the reason once you finish reading this dream that I had.  So, in the dream, I was at home with this woman, who was (gasp!) my husband's other woman, and I was helping her with her resume.  She wasn't quite happy with the progress, that much I knew.  I can't remember her face, but she was the type of woman that I don't like:  soft-spoken in a very soft way, needy, and carries a "poor me" face all the time.

Minh came home, and gave me a kiss.  Instantly I felt somewhat guilty for kissing him in front of her (but he is my husband!), so I got up and gave them some time alone.  A few minutes later when I returned, they were both on their feet.  He said "I think it would be better that we go out and work on this."

I heard myself ask, "'We?'  'We' as in you and me, or 'we' as in her and you?"

He looked a bit sorry, and replied "me and her."

That did it!  I was FURIOUS!  I was mad at him for having brought her home, at her for having that "see, I won" look on her f*cking face, and even more mad at myself for staying around in the first place.  Why didn't I leave when he brought her home? 

Then poof, I woke up from this crazy-ass dream.  I looked to my left and saw my loving husband on the couch playing video game, and looked to my right to see Chloe sleeping soundly next to me. OK, it was just a dream. 

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